it was horrible :
sunday 8 july around 5 pm 40 min,i was informed that my polise handläggare
will come to talk to me at 6 pm .then when i got to see her ,it was 3
polise .
then they told me that we are going to burundi ,then i explained that my
lawyer has made an appeal in migration överdomstolen, that i still waiting
for decision and that it's very dangerous for me to go back , i explain
many things and very scared.
then they told me that i don't need to wait for my last appeal because i
have appeal many times ,then they took me down in thiere car ( i was in
sport clothes without shoes ),they go to bring my clothes and other stuff
when i was already in theire car ,and i changed my clothes in theire car (
they didn't bring all my stuff ,i got the rest of my stuff when i asked
them after in sollentuna jail ),it was like a kidnapping .
Arrive at the airport ,i refused to enter the fligth (it was ethiopian
airlines) ,then they tied my hands on my back with theire material and
push me in .it hurt so bad that i screamed like a baby ( till now my left
hand still hurt ) ,then i screamed for help to passenger ( that i need
help , i m innocent ,that they are taking me to death ) ,then they take me
of, pushing me,i beg them to release my hands ,screaming because my left
hand was damaged ,then they told me that it's me who chosed to be treated
that way .
we go back in theire car and i was still screaming because of my left hand
,then they release me but obliged me to keep my hands on my back ,then
they say to me that i think that the activists will help me but that they
can't .thay they are just a kids assossiation .
then they told me that i have to go to jail till they take me to burundi
,and they said that next time i ll not have a chance to resist like i did
( i think that they mean to go with the privet flight) .then they took me
to sollentuna jail .
Monday morning ,in sollentuna jail, i asked them to bring my stuff remain
in märsta and to look in my phone some contact for call ,they said i ll
contact only my lawyer and also they said not now ,later .
then monday afternoon i got lucky ,my lawyer called to ask about my news
then they had to let me talk to her,then i ask her to inform you too .
she even told them that i can talk to anybody i want but they didn't let
me talk to you when you called .
in jail i wrote a letter to migration but they didn't help me to send
,(they just keep saying ,we take it later ,next time they sayed we take
letters only in the morning,next time they said the one who sells stamps
comes at 3 pm ).
Wednsday morning they took me out of sollentuna jail and put me in
dentention of flen 3 hours out of stockholm .now i don't know how long
time i still have ,but the decision is still the same
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